Access to Adoption Records Who May Access Information Citation: Cons. Stat. Tit. 23, § 2905 Information may be accessed by:
- The adoptee who is age 18 or older
- If the adoptee is under age 18, his or her adoptive parent or legal guardian
- Request for Adoption Information
Access to Nonidentifying Information Citation: Cons. Stat. Tit. 23, § 2905 The home study and preplacement report, as required by § 2530, shall be made available to parties to an adoption proceeding only after all identifying names and addresses in the report have been deleted by the court. Upon petition by any person listed above, the court shall release to the adoptee as much information concerning the adoptee’s birth parents as will not endanger the anonymity of the birth parents. Mutual Access to Identifying Information Citation: Cons. Stat. Tit. 23, § 2905 Any person listed above may petition the court to attempt to contact the birth parents, if known, to obtain their consent to release their identity and present place of residence to the adoptee. The court shall ensure that only the birth parents are informed of the adoptee’s existence and relationship to them. The petitioner may also request the agency that placed the adoptee to contact the birth parents. If the court or an agency contacts the birth parents, information relating to both birth parents shall only be disclosed if both birth parents agree to the disclosure. If both birth parents are deceased, their identities may be disclosed. If one parent is deceased, his or her identity may be disclosed. If only one parent agrees to the disclosure, then only the information relating to the consenting parent shall be disclosed. The birth parents may, at the time of the termination of their parental rights or at any time thereafter, place on file a consent form granting permission for the court or the department to disclose any identifying or non identifying information about them, at any time after the adoptee reaches age 18 or, if younger than age 18, to his or her adoptive parent or legal guardian. Access to Original Birth Certificate Citation: Cons. Stat. Tit. 23, § 2905 No disclosure shall be made regarding the adoptee’s original birth certificate unless the disclosure is made pursuant to the provisions of this section. The birth parents may, at the time of the termination of their parental rights or at any time thereafter, place on file with the court and with the Department of Health a consent form granting permission for the court or the department to disclose the information contained in the adoptee’s original birth certificate at any time after the adoptee reaches age 18 or, if younger than age 18, to his or her adoptive parent or legal guardian. If both parents give their consent, the information on the birth certificate may be disclosed. If only one parent gives consent, only the identity of the consenting parent shall be disclosed. of Nov. 2017 Adoptees can request their original copy of the birth certificate. Stay tuned for updates.
Where the Information Can Be Located Adoption Medical History Registry, Pennsylvania Department of Health, Division of Vital Records
AS of Nov. 2017 Adoptees can request their original copy of the birth certificate. Stay tuned for updates.
Where the Information Can Be Located Adoption Medical History Registry, Pennsylvania Department of Health, Division of Vital Records
Contact:Debbie MondilloDiakon/FDR
P.O. Box 4560471 JPL Wick Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17111717-231-6426